Shortly after I was elected to the Vale Council in 2017 we were faced with the shadow of the proposed A48/M4 link which might have seen a new 60 mph road carving its way through the countryside past Pendoylan.
The Vale Communities for Future Generations Group, The Community Councils , and other local groups and indviduals showed how a Community can be united against such a threat
Fortunately that proposal was stopped but we must remain ever vigilant should the idea be raised again in the future.
Road maintenance and road safety remain the most frequent issues raised with me . I commend the pupils of Peterston School who prompted a visit to the School by the Deputy Leader of the Council, The Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood and Transport and the Vale HIghway Officer. The representations by the Children and the well prepared applications by the Peterston Community Council resulted eventually in the 20mph trial speed limit through Peterson Village .
I am aware that there are still problems for residents near the Schools in Peterston and Pendoylan because of inconsiderate drivers and bad parking. We all encounter foolish and agressive drivers who fail to drive in accordance with road conditions.
This is all part of the much bigger picture of road safety, maintenance and traffic management. This also includes improvement to public transport provision so that our younger and older residents and those without access to a car can get out into the wide world.
I have been pushing this subject lately and have achieved some progress . Here is a minute from the Vale Council Cabinet meeting of 28th February :
RESOLVED – T H A T the comments of the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee and subsequent comments from Councillor Morgan be noted and considered further by the next Administration as part of an authority-wide traffic management and road safety policy that linked with both the 20mph default speed limit and plans for greater active travel opportunities, further to officer review.
If re-elected on 5th May I would be well placed to see that the next Administration does follow this policy through.
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